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La Maison de la Monnaie Belge

Cher client,

C’est avec une grande tristesse que je vous informe par ce biais que nous sommes malheureusement contraints de cesser immédiatement nos activités commerciales.

Vous comprendrez que cette décision n’a pas été facile à prendre. Notre équipe a toujours été dévouée à vous offrir le meilleur service possible, et même pendant la période de fermeture, nous répondrons à vos questions aussi rapidement que possible.

Nous vous sommes incroyablement reconnaissants pour votre confiance et votre fidélité au cours des années passées.

Bien que ce voyage prenne fin pour nous, nous sommes convaincus que votre passion pour les pièces de monnaie et la numismatique continuera de vous captiver.

Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès et surtout beaucoup de plaisir avec votre merveilleux passe-temps.

La Maison de la Monnaie Belge

When you think of Paris, there is one monument that immediately comes to mind: the Eiffel Tower. This iron masterpiece is one of the most recognizable and beloved buildings in the world. Gustave Eiffel, whose name is inseparable from this creation, died 100 years ago. It is for this reason that we take a moment to look at his life and his creations.

Who is Gustave Eiffel?

Gustave Eiffel, born December 15, 1832 in Dijon, France, was an engineer and architect renowned for his contribution to the construction of several remarkable buildings. On December 27, 1923, he died after creating numerous bridges, railways, towers and even churches. More than sixty of Eiffel's constructions have stood the test of time, but three in particular demonstrate Eiffel's creativity, ingenuity and performance.

Statue of Liberty

Gustave Eiffel did not design the Statue of Liberty, this distinction thus going to Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. However, what Eiffel designed and built was the internal steel structure that gives the Statue its imposing height. His expertise with iron is evident in Eiffel's other works, but what makes the Statue of Liberty unique is that the iron is hidden within the building.

Budapest Nyugati Station

Budapest-Nyugati Station, completed in 1877, is another outstanding example of the application of Eiffel's cast iron architecture. Its impressive glass canopy and iron pillars provide an abundance of natural light. This station is one of the three main stations in the city, located in the Pest district, on the east bank of the Danube.


Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is undoubtedly the most remarkable highlight of Gustave Eiffel's life. Built for the 1889 Universal Exhibition which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the Eiffel Tower became the tallest monument in the world at the time. With unparalleled precision and innovation, Eiffel created a daring design for the Iron Lady, composed of its 18,038 distinct iron pieces and more than 2.5 million rivets, within the allotted time. Although the tower was originally intended as a temporary monument, its beauty made it a permanent structure.


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